About Dr N

For an appointment or phone consultation with Dr. N call (248) 644-7200 and speak to Caroline

Dr N’s office is located in Bingham Farms, Michigan, a suburb of the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Dr N specializes in the care and treatment of menopausal women and has a special interest providing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for women whose lives have been altered by menopause whether natural, premature or surgical. He is available to lecture to women’s groups regarding menopausal issues.

Jerry Nosanchuk, D.O.

Education is the key to empowerment. Knowledge of the menopausal process and current medical options allow women to actively participate in decisions that affect quality of life and longevity. The alternative is to be a passive recipient of unilateral physicians directives. 

               …Dr N

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Dr. N’s website provides Information on Bio-Identical and Natural Hormone Therapy, Hormone Pellet Implants, Compounded Hormone Gels, Patches and Creams. Dr. N has specialized in the care of menopausal women and hormone deficient men for over 30 years. His office is located in Southeastern Michigan. Call us for an office or virtual visit call (248) 644-7200